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The "S" Stands for Symbolic Interactionsim

It's a sociologist, it's a psychologist, it's George Herbert Mead! The "S" Stands for Symbolic Interactionism is a paper I wrote for a Theories of Communication class at Berry College. In this paper I apply George Herbert Mead's theory of symbolic interactionism to Zack Snyder's Man of Steel. By applying Mead’s theory to Snyder’s film, the components that make up the "Man of Steel" character become more identifiable. While the movie has lots of powerful imagery, and symbols, the theory of symbolic interactionism is more of a sociology theory dealing with human development and motivation. That would make this paper more of a character study paper, based primarily on the material provided in Snyder's film. The application of the theory helps identify certain events throughout the movie that help show the separation of the different identities that make up the “Man of Steel.” These separate identities are Kal-El, Clark Kent and Superman. After identifying these social identities, the exploration of a psychological understanding was inevitable.

Just Coffee

Just Coffee is a 20 minute script I wrote in a scriptwringing class my junior year at Berry College. The script is about an indecisive guy who has come to a crossroads in his life. After dealing with certain unfortunate events, and feeling alone, he turns to someone he loves for comfort only to discover a well kept secret. It's a story about change, and the need to move on.

This is programming proposal for a show, called BILL$, created during a programming and distribution class as a group project. The show is about the dynamic lives of a group of roommates, trying to find a way to pay the BILL$. A short sizzler reel was created for the the proposal and can be watched by following this link.



The title of this story is Famed Madrid restaurant, ­­­Sobrino de Botín, relies on family. This is a news story about the world famous Sobrino de Botín restuarant, that I did during my study abroad trip to Spain during the summer of 2014. The story is essentially about the future of the restuarant and the contrast of it's incredible past.

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